Thursday, September 20, 2012


We are already in week 5 of homeschool! Woo-hoo!

This past week in CC (classical conversations) Chase learned his timeline (Early Native Americans, Israel Divides into Two Kingdoms, Homer and Hesiod, Rome Founded by Romulus and Remus, Israel Falls to Assyria, Assyria Falls to Babylon, Lao-Tzu, Confucious, Buddha). I gave Alan timeline duty this week :) He did well!

We also learned about the seven wonders of the ancient world. We read a few books and colored while listening to a video clip on youtube. Chasey's favorite was the Statue of Zeus :)

We sung songs about the Hittite Empire and learned hand motions to remember 5 prepositions. We played hopscotch to help him skip count the 7's and 8's.
Chase memorized verses 1-5 in Exodus 20.

We learned the parts of a plant cell (made a plant cell cookie in class-I wish I had a pic but my camera died) and Latin 1st declension noun endings.

Each week each child has to stand up in class and give a presentation. Last week Chase gave a speech about the Flood. I could tell that he was nervous but he did well:) That kid knew his stuff! ;)

We also worked on phonics, continued to count to 100, and basic addition. He is doing amazing!

Classical Conversations has been amazing. If I wasn't a CC pusher before, then I am now! I loooovvee the wide range of topics that the children are introduced to at a young age. I love that Chase is learning a biblical worldview. I love that the children must get up in front of the class each week to develop their presentation skills. I love that parents are encouraged to stay in the classroom with their children.  I love that the CC mantra is "To know God and to make Him Known." I love the community and support that it gives me as a homeschooling mom...and I could go on ;)

Homeschooling definitely is not for everyone. But if you are considering homeschooling, I would encourage you to find more about Classical Conversations. Our family loves it!

Here are a few links to learn more:

Monday, September 10, 2012

updates :)

We're still alive :) I finally remembered my password for this blog so hopefully I'll be better at updating :) I told you that I'm horrible at blogging! Ha!

So much has happened since my last post!

First, look who arrived!

(10 weeks)

My sweet girl Anna Grace :) She made her entrance on May 25 at 5:05 p.m weighing 8 lbs 7.5 oz. My labor/delivery didnt quite go as planned and I hate thinking/talking about it, so maybe I'll gather the courage to share that story another day :)

 (I really wish that I had taken more post-delivery pics, but it was the LAST thing that I felt like doing!)

The kids have been AMAZING with her. Chase loves to kiss her feet and feed her a bottle, and Ansleigh is quick to comfort her when she starts to cry. They both think we need at least 10 more :)  

Anna Grace will be 16 weeks this Friday and I'm still nursing (woo-hoo! I finally made it past 3 months!).  She loves to be held and we still co-sleep. L-O-V-E co-sleeping :) I usually cosleep with my kids until about 6 months, but I have a feeling its going to be harder to kick her out. She is our last (biological) baby and I am trying to soak every ounce of her sweet baby-ness up! So, so, SO thankful that God blessed us with Anna Grace :)

And btw, this 3 kid thing is no joke! People always ask how life is with 3 kiddos all 4 and under. It cracks me up that I cant go to the grocery store or the park without someone saying "bless your heart", or   "you have your hands full". I've even gotten, "You know how that happens, right?" And for the record, can I just say how annoying/rude that last comment is? 

Anyway, three kiddos complicates things (takes a million years to get out of the house, a hot shower may or may not happen that day, my house is not as tidy as I would like, it's a miracle if dinner is on the table at 6:00, God did not give me enough hands, etc.) but I love it! With homeschooling, a new baby, soccer for Chase and Ansleigh, two small groups, Alan going back to school and working 7 days a week, life has been a little chaotic to the say the least! But, I really do enjoy my life when it's twelve kinds of crazy ;) I'm fully aware that these are the best days of my life and that I will miss it one day.

I have so much more to write, but a sweet 3 year old little girl is begging for breakfast :) Duty calls!

-carla <3