Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bees in tummies

My kiddos are hardly ever sick. A cold here and there, flu once or twice, never an ear infection (knock on wood!).. but last week Ansleigh caught the tummy bug.

Someone on facebook called it "death by stomach bug" and they werent kidding!

My sweet girl threw up every hour for a solid 24 hours, with numerous "accidents" in between. She kept saying, "Mommy! Mommy! There are bees in my tummy and they hurt really bad and they wont go away! Make them go away!"

After the first twelve hours of her being sick, I finally took her to the doctor to make sure she wasnt getting dehydrated. She threw up all in my car, and all over her outfit. She sobbed in the backseat, broken hearted that she had ruined her favorite pink shirt and brand new jeans.

Feverish myself and willing myself not to come down with whatever she had (in which I failed), I fought back tears. It was so sad to see her so weak and small and miserable.

After throwing up again in the office, the Dr. gave Ansleigh a Phenergan shot. After it was over, I gave her a big hug and told her how brave she was. She said, "No, I'm not brave. I cried and screamed and my Bubba is not going to be proud of me."

That girl lives to make her big brother proud.

We ended up having to go to urgent care later that night because the only pharmacy that we could get her compounded prespription at had closed. She was still throwing up every hour and still not keeping a single thing down. The dr. told us to keep an eye on her, and if she kept throwing up in the next couple of hours to take her to the ER.

So thankful it didnt come to that.

That night as we were waiting in the car outside of Rite Aid, Ansleigh announced that her tummy was hurting again. I knew what that meant! I got her out of the car and we didnt take two steps before she was at it again. Poor thing rested her forehead against my car as she got sick. She was so pitiful and so weak and it tore my mommy heart up.

I was feeling pretty bad at this point, and it broke my heart to see her a million times worse than me.

Thankfully, we got some medicine in her and she started feeling better after. She ate a little and drank a lot and we got lots of snuggle time in.

& today she is back to being her smiley, cookie-eating self :) Hallelujah!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

the latest with us :)

Anna Grace is 8 months! She is crawling now and is super fast! I cant keep up with her :) She is also walking with her walker, and can stand without holding onto anything. AG has two bottom teeth and two upper, and I lovingly call her my little Piranha. :) She is saying mama, dada, buh-bye, and bubba :) She is in 12 month clothes (love me some chunky baby legs), eating solids and still nursing (woo-hoo!). 

Chase and Ansleigh are still sooo good with her. They are constantly smothering her with hugs and kisses and oohing and ahhing over every little thing she does. They love her to pieces and beg her to play with them :) & both of them are still asking for another..this time a baby brother ;)

Ansleigh Marie is a second little mama around here:) She loves to feed Anna Grace her little Puff snacks, will bring me diapers and wipes, and will sing sweetly to her if she is crying. I love my big girl :)

This weekend Alan and I took the kiddos to the playground to have some much needed family time. Alan was pushing Ansleigh in the swing (probably a little too high), when she let go, did a flip, and landed face first in the sand (thankful it was sand!). She sobbed, dried her tears, and got right back to swinging (a little slower this time). I was so proud of her for being so tough! Later that night when we were getting ready for bed, I heard her tell Alan, "Daddy, you made me fly like the birds! And you know what? I almost saw Jesus!"

Chase is seriously the best brother in the world. He is very protective over his sisters. The other day on the way home from our homeschool co-op, Ansleigh was telling me about how the little boys in her class were teasing her. Chase pipes up, "Mama! I should've been there to tell those boys that they are not to be mean to my little sister!"  :) So glad that I can count on him!.

I looked back at Ansleigh and saw her grinning from ear to ear. She said, "Yep! My Bubba loves me." :)

This morning I had Chase sit with me at church instead of going to his class. I was a little nervous how he would do, because he is not the type of kid that can sit still. He did so, so well. I even got a little teary eyed watching him watch his daddy serving our God and church by ushering, listening to the voices around him sing praises to our Lord, listening to our Pastor speak Truth.

Every fiber of my being desires for my children to know Him...

Alan started school again last fall and it has been brutal. Between him working a whole lot of overtime and taking two classes, we hardly ever see him. I'm soo proud of him though, and it will so be worth it. Less than a year left and he will have his degree!

pics to come :)