But lots of sweet moments too. :) The weather was pretty warm and the kids spent time outside.
I snapped this quick picture because it brought me a moment of joy on a really hard day. It is moments like these that keep me going. Homeschooling 3 kids while keeping a toddler alive is no joke.Whew.
The kids and I watched the Inauguration.
Caleb is doing a really good job at evolving into a two year old. *Ahem*. He is super cute and super mischievous and is a force to be reckoned with. Did I mention that he is super cute? Oh man, I'm so glad he is ours. :)
His new words/phrases:
-"In the car" (According to Caleb, if something is missing then its "in da cah")
-One, two
-love you too
-Azee (Ansleigh), Chath (Chase), Aggie (Anna Grace)
-Jaffe (Giraffe-his paci)
-Nooooooo (his favorite word at 20 months) :)
Chase has been working really hard for Memory Master this year in Classical Conversations. I don't even care if he makes MM. He has worked his little hiney off and I could not be more proud of his diligence and determination.
This picture was technically taken in February, but I couldn't resist posting the cuteness.