This might just be my tenth blog that I've started. I always have the best of intentions when I start a blog, but then life gets hectic and the blog gets put on the back burner and then I completely forget about it..only to remember 6 months later that I created it:) to stick with this new blog. I feel like we are beginning a new chapter in our lives and I want to record as much of it as I can
So, I'll start with today.
Today is Chasey's FOURTH birthday! It seems like just yesterday that I woke up on Sunday morning and realized that I was having contractions, decided that I needed to get a porkchop biscuit from Bojangles ASAP (because it would probably be the last that I would have for awhile), vaccum my car out between contractions, attempt to go grocery shopping (I walked into Bilo, had a BIG contraction, decided that I didnt want to have my baby in Bilo, and walked back out) and then went back home to vaccum my house when my water broke. Woke up Alan, headed off to the hospital (and of course, Alan HAD to stop to get himself a drink on the way- and of course I have not yet let him live it down), and became a mother around 7 that night :0)
September 23, 2007 still remains my favorite day. Yes, my wedding day and Ansleigh's birthday is in the top three of the most amazing days ever, but on September 23, 2007 I became a mother.
So today, we took Tucker-butt to Red Robin for lunch and then let him play at McDonalds (which to him was a big treat). Tomorrow will be his birthday party at Monkey Joes. And for the friends that were worried about Monkey Joe freaking out their kids- I called this morning and told them that the big purple monkey was not invited. :)
So for those that don't know yet- WE'RE PREGNANT! :0) I am totally thrilled about this pregnancy. I've always wanted three kiddos, and have had baby fever for awhile now-I was just waiting for God's timing:)
So, I'm embarrassed to admit that I am super, 5 weeks 3 days early :) I found out that I was pregnant at 3 weeks 3 days..and so this is going to make for the longest pregnancy ever!
I am not one of those moms that can wait until they are out of the first trimester to announce their big news. Nope, with every pregnancy I have announced as soon as the double line appeared.
But friends- I need prayers! Yesterday I had my first ob appointment. It was my first appointment with the new doctor, so they mainly did bloodtest (check beta HCG and progesterone) and a "meet and greet".
This morning the nurse called me to tell me that even though my HCG was great, my progesterone level was a little low. She said that they weren't overly concerned, but to be on the safe side I have to take progesterone supplements until I'm out of the first trimester. Scary! So please say a little prayer for this sweet little life that I'm carrying. I would appreciate it:)
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