Friday, October 21, 2011

Fridays are for..

baking! The kiddos and I made some yummy pumpkin muffins this morning:) Super easy recipe and very dee-wicious (as Ansleigh says)!

Pumpkin Muffins

1 box of Spice cake mix
1 can of pumpkin
1/2 cup of chopped pecans

Mix all and pour into muffin pan. Sprinkle with brown sugar and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes. How easy is that?!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Updates :)

Chase has been into dressing himself lately. He'll go to sleep during naptime in one outfit, and wake up in something totally different. This is what he wanted to where to Church last Wednesday night:) He lost that battle ;)

Ansleigh update: NO MORE PACI! There was awhile there that I thought for sure she would still have her paci in Kindergarten.She was way more attatched to it then Chase was (he gave his up at 18 months).  She would have it constantly during the day and HAD to have it while she slept. The other day at naptime, we were down to 3 pacis and I couldnt find any of them anywhere. After Ansleigh and I looked for them for 10 minutes, I told her that paci went bye-bye and it was time for her to take a nap. She didnt fuss (but didnt nap either) and was so tired that night that she went to sleep without it. And she has only asked for it a couple of times since:) Yay Ansleigh!

Baby update: I went to the dr. today for some complications that I've been having. Turned out that everything is fine and I even got another ultrasound of the little gummy bear (which is a really big gummy bear now!). The heartbeat was 170 (it was 124 bpm at the last visit)--still one of the sweetest sounds ever:) So high heartbeat, craving fruit, horrible morning sickness=girl? :)

I'm 9 weeks now and feeling GREAT! My morning sickness is over and I have my energy back:) so thankful for that! I'm also eating EVERYTHING and even though I've lost weight, I cant button my jeans:) Definatley poking out earlier with this 3rd pregnancy. Whoever invented the rubber band trick is a genius:)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A prayer answered

Three hours since my latest OB appointment and I am still shaking:) I have been a nervous wreck all day long in anticipation for today's appointment. This appointment was set up last week to see if their was any improvement in the gestational sac. At our appointment last week, my Dr. said that he was pretty sure that I was having anembryonic miscarriage (or blighted ovum). He patted my leg and said, "I need for you to think about some really hard things over the course of the next few days. I need for you to think about whether you want a D&C, to miscarry on your own, or I can give you a pill that will speed up the process." Friday was supposed to be my day to have a D&C, but at the last minute we decided that we should wait one more week to see if (by a miracle!) things progressed.

 I left devestated that day. I was only 6 weeks and a couple of days, my beta levels were super high, my progesterone level was super low, and nothing was showing up the gestational sac (besides the yolk sac)

So today Alan went with me so I could get the last ultrasound done. I went into the room, shaking like crazy, and laid on the table. The sonographer (who was super sweet) turned the moniter away from me, not that she needed to because I couldnt bare to look anway.

I looked at Alan to read his expression, and it remianed blank. Slowly, slowly the songrapher turned the moniter towards me. And there, on the screen, was the sweetest looking gummy bear that I've ever seen. Uncontrollable tears ran down my face, and no matter how hard I tried to stifle my sobs, I couldnt. Pure relief, pure joy, pure thankfulness flooded my heart.

"Does the baby have a heartbeat?"
"Yep. Listen!" and the sonographer played  the sweetest sounds of 124 bpm.

My Dr., Alan and I were in complete shock at the sight of that sweet little baby. The three of us were looking towards Friday for a D&C, but it looks like God had other plans:)

The Dr. says that I'm not out of the woods just yet. I still have to take my progesterone pills and take it easy, but my otherwise my levels are looking normal.

Such a good day, such a wonderful day! So thankful. So relieved. I cant even tell you how many times that i've said those words tonight.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thank you for Bob the Tomato..

Today's little incident blessed my heart so much:) I want to write it down so i don't forget it..

Today I had a million and one errands to run. The first stop was at Kid to Kid to drop off some of last years clothes. While waiting for them to go through the clothes, I let Ansleigh and Chase play in the closed off "kid area". In the kid area they have a little kitchen with play food and a little table with chairs. Ansleigh LOVES the kitchen (in fact, I think we're gonna have to get her one for Christmas- I think she would spend hours playing with it-just like I did when I was little)

She was so cute to watch, playing in that little kitchen:) She would microwave the bananas, offer Chase a hamburger patty that she called a "cookie", and she even told Chase to "go sit" 'cause she was cookin'--just like a little mama:)

Chase did talk her into letting him play with a cucumber and a tomato (the "tomato" was actually a bellpepper, but I couldnt convince him otherwise) so he could play "VeggieTales". I really wish that I would have gotten that on video- that kid was singing as LOUD as he could possibly sing, probably annoying/amusing every customer in Kid to Kid :)

After they both were done singing and cooking, Ansleigh told Chase to sit because they were about to have "Wunch" (lunch). Ansleigh sets the table (with every banana, pot, pan, cup, truck, doll, etc) and joins Chase.
They both folded their little hands and Chase prays, "Lord, thank you Lord, for this meal Lord. Lord, thank you for mama and daddy, Lord. Thank you for ansleigh, and nana, and dada, and ree, and trapper, and for Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber. Amen"

& then with the biggest grins they both proceed to eat their "meal" of microwave banana;)

so thankful for those two sweet kids :) and so thankful that they are learning the importance of prayer--and the importance of thanking God-even for Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber :)