Chase has been into dressing himself lately. He'll go to sleep during naptime in one outfit, and wake up in something totally different. This is what he wanted to where to Church last Wednesday night:) He lost that battle ;)
Ansleigh update: NO MORE PACI! There was awhile there that I thought for sure she would still have her paci in Kindergarten.She was way more attatched to it then Chase was (he gave his up at 18 months). She would have it constantly during the day and HAD to have it while she slept. The other day at naptime, we were down to 3 pacis and I couldnt find any of them anywhere. After Ansleigh and I looked for them for 10 minutes, I told her that paci went bye-bye and it was time for her to take a nap. She didnt fuss (but didnt nap either) and was so tired that night that she went to sleep without it. And she has only asked for it a couple of times since:) Yay Ansleigh!
Baby update: I went to the dr. today for some complications that I've been having. Turned out that everything is fine and I even got another ultrasound of the little gummy bear (which is a really big gummy bear now!). The heartbeat was 170 (it was 124 bpm at the last visit)--still one of the sweetest sounds ever:) So high heartbeat, craving fruit, horrible morning sickness=girl? :)
I'm 9 weeks now and feeling GREAT! My morning sickness is over and I have my energy back:) so thankful for that! I'm also eating EVERYTHING and even though I've lost weight, I cant button my jeans:) Definatley poking out earlier with this 3rd pregnancy. Whoever invented the rubber band trick is a genius:)
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