The majority of our preschool was learning through play. They learned how to count by counting cars and animal crackers. They learned to recognize numbers by pointing out the cashier numbers in the line at the grocery store. We read books A LOT and as I read I point out the letters. Normal, everyday stuff. One "game" that we did was "Hop on the Letter". I spread out construction paper on the floor and each was marked with a letter. I would call out a letter and they would hop on it. If they got the letter right then the paper would be eliminated. Super easy, but fun for them.
A few things that my kids loved for preschool and that I will be using for Anna Grace is
Melissa and Doug Latches Board
Melissa and Doug See and Spell
Melissa and Doug Pattern Blocks
Can we just talk about how amazing The Letter Factory is? I don't know one mom/kid that doesn't love this little movie. It is so entertaining for them and it is amazing how quickly the kids will pick up letter recognition/phonics!
Leap Frog Fridge Magnetic Phonics Set
Ansleigh had a little more trouble with sounds/letter recognition (and I'm still working with her). But this helped tremendously!
I use the word curriculum very loosely because I wasn't very strict with it. Mainly, it was something for us to do to pass time and to keep them on track with the rest of their peers. I would try to do it everyday, but if I didn't it was no biggie. My main goal with preschool is to make learning fun. If I sensed that they were starting to stress, I would ease off for the day or do something else fun.
1)We used Carols Affordable Curriculum between the ages of 2 1/2 -4. I would wait until after their nap and have everything set up with a little snack. They loved it and they still talk about it! What I loved about Carols Affordable Curriculum is that EVERYHING (right down to the little cheerios that you glue on the activity) comes in the box once a month. The lesson plans are already set and the activities were simple and fun.
2) I would supplement CAC with ABC Jesus Loves Me. I loved their handwriting chants (which we still use) and their silly songs (ex. we learned the days of the week to the tune "Where is Thumpkin"). I didn't use this program as a whole because I didn't want to do too much planning, but it is great and I do recommend it.
3) I know so many people that use Confessions of a Homeschooler. I used the Letter of the Week program and I loved how hands on it is. We didn't use this for very long (because I loved CAC so much), but I did want to throw it out there! :) It is a fantastic website full of amazing resources for preschoolers/homeschoolers.
4) My kids also loved sensory bins. Sensory bins are fantastic for imaginative play and my kids would play with them for a good hour or so! Pinterest is full of ideas (just type in sensory bins or Montessori ideas) for all types of ages. Here is another good website for sensory ideas.
Anywho, that is our preschool resources in a nutshell. :) I get asked about homeschool/preschool activities all the time and I am so happy to help. I have learned that I have a passion for homeschooling/being a mom and I could talk about it all day!
If you want to know more about one of the resources or need recommendations email me at :)
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