Thursday, September 18, 2014

Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestowne Settlement

A few of the pictures from our trip to Virginia...

Outside of the Governors Palace..

We visited a Gunsmith (Someone bless that mans heart! He asked if anyone had any questions and Chase had a million!) Anyone know what Bullet means??
The reenactment was probably my favorite. The actors were fantastic!

In the gardens at the Governors Palace..
We stopped for lunch at The Cheese Shop. The next time we go (and there WILL be  a next time!) we definitely will eat here again.

On Tuesday we headed to Jamestowne Setttlement and Historic Jamestowne.

 I loved that the Archaeologists stopped and talked to the kids to explain what they were doing. Here they were in the process of excavating a well.

 The kids loved the Powhatan exhibit!
 A Powhatan hut..

 Grinding some corn..

 The kids enjoyed a Powhatan cooking demonstration.

 I loved that Jamestowne Settlement was so interactive. The kids could touch, pick up, and
roll around on anything they wanted. :)
 Trying on some armor..

Jamestowne also had a fantastic museum and Archaeum. It was a great trip and far exceeded my expectations! I definitely want to go again when the kids are a little older and stay longer in Colonial Williamsburg and maybe visit Yorktown. Hopefully this trip was the first in our family travels!