Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A prayer answered

Three hours since my latest OB appointment and I am still shaking:) I have been a nervous wreck all day long in anticipation for today's appointment. This appointment was set up last week to see if their was any improvement in the gestational sac. At our appointment last week, my Dr. said that he was pretty sure that I was having anembryonic miscarriage (or blighted ovum). He patted my leg and said, "I need for you to think about some really hard things over the course of the next few days. I need for you to think about whether you want a D&C, to miscarry on your own, or I can give you a pill that will speed up the process." Friday was supposed to be my day to have a D&C, but at the last minute we decided that we should wait one more week to see if (by a miracle!) things progressed.

 I left devestated that day. I was only 6 weeks and a couple of days, my beta levels were super high, my progesterone level was super low, and nothing was showing up the gestational sac (besides the yolk sac)

So today Alan went with me so I could get the last ultrasound done. I went into the room, shaking like crazy, and laid on the table. The sonographer (who was super sweet) turned the moniter away from me, not that she needed to because I couldnt bare to look anway.

I looked at Alan to read his expression, and it remianed blank. Slowly, slowly the songrapher turned the moniter towards me. And there, on the screen, was the sweetest looking gummy bear that I've ever seen. Uncontrollable tears ran down my face, and no matter how hard I tried to stifle my sobs, I couldnt. Pure relief, pure joy, pure thankfulness flooded my heart.

"Does the baby have a heartbeat?"
"Yep. Listen!" and the sonographer played  the sweetest sounds of 124 bpm.

My Dr., Alan and I were in complete shock at the sight of that sweet little baby. The three of us were looking towards Friday for a D&C, but it looks like God had other plans:)

The Dr. says that I'm not out of the woods just yet. I still have to take my progesterone pills and take it easy, but my otherwise my levels are looking normal.

Such a good day, such a wonderful day! So thankful. So relieved. I cant even tell you how many times that i've said those words tonight.

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